Monday, October 5, 2020

Kayak fishing

 Good morning,

I know it's not technically fly fishing, but I realized that I get the same kind of zen from fishing in my kayak.  Whether it's casting for stripers and blues, albies, or dropping and jigging for fluke, porgies and sea bass, just being out in nature is refreshing.  This morning I woke up sore and tired from it, but it was all the way worth it.  

There is a certain brotherhood among fishermen as well.  The guys I go with have become real friends to me, in a time when I really needed some of those.  For instance, one of them came to my house to show me how to fillet a fish.  When my truck broke on the way to the water, they were understanding and helpful in their advice.  My parents came and got me, but if they weren't able to, I could have depended on my fishing buddies to pick me up.

At any rate, I didn't have a great day of catching yesterday, but it was a beautiful day on the water, well worth the driving and the pain in the butt of getting my kayak transported and the organization before and after.  

Hope you all have a great day!
