Monday, January 4, 2021

Tying in the winter (and friendship)

 Good morning,

I am so appreciative of my friends and my hobbies right now.  I had a friend that came over, tied flies and hung out for a few hours on Sunday.  It was great to see him, and we traded fish stories and looked a blogs to figure out what the best patterns were.  I used my experience and taught him a little bit, and he used his research and taught me some things as well.  

Along the way we dreamed about fishing, and what we could still do in the cold.  The Farmington seems like it's fish-able all winter as long as you're prepared, and we have most of the gear.  I have neoprene and lots of cold weather gear, just not neoprene gloves.  He has mostly everything he needs also, so I think we'll be fishin' in February.  

We also talked about stripers over the winter, in the rivers where they winter.  They are mostly schoolies (which means smaller) but they are large in number and fun to catch.  I might get wetsuited up and kayak for them, but that is potentially a lot colder of an adventure than the Farmington.  If anyone comments and is interested, I can post pictures of the flies we tied and what we think they are to model.

Have a great day all,
