Sunday, March 27, 2022

Pulaski 3-25 to 3-27, 2022

 Good morning all,

My trip to NY this weekend has refreshed me on why fishing in general, and fly fishing specifically, can connect folks who might otherwise not ever speak.  I made the decision to hire a guide for this trip, to target steelhead in the salmon river and its smaller streams.  This was about the best call I could have made.  I have my heart set on a drift boat, but yesterday was supposed to rain and snow, and today it is CURRENTLY snowing, so I'm not so sure.  

The best fishing weather was Friday, when I was tutoring.  I got a few hours in before that, and several hours after it.  A few bites but no hooked fish.  I made friends with a guy who was also fishing the trestle pool, and he helped me with my strategy a bit.  Then I connected with my buddies and tried hard at the staircase by the town hall pool.  After a few hours, 2 of the 5 of us decided to go home.  I felt badly, since they did a 5 hour drive to fish a few hours and turn around - but folks have to make their own choices.  

I still, as of this morning, haven't caught a steelhead.  This chafes my ass since I have fished hard for 2 days so far.  I got one halfway in before it rolled under a log and snagged me, so I am doing some things right finally, but still nothing to show.  Sean got a few browns, and Berto had a steelhead on that the guide said might have been bigger than the one I had on.  Either way, I'm hoping to catch one the right way early this morning, even through the freaking snowstorm that's raging.