Monday, September 24, 2018

Rivers and life

Good morning all,

I hope you're all ready for your Monday.  I had a pretty rough weekend, with a bunch of personal stuff that I won't share here.  However, I happened to be awake for a sunrise, and I chose to spend it by a river.  I brought my fly rod, and didn't even assemble it.  I didn't have to.  I got what I needed from the river and the sunrise without ever trying to catch a fish with a fly rod.

What I needed, in this case, was the ability to think and enjoy nature.  I didn't need to catch a fish.  I just needed to be outside and have a few minutes of meditation.  I didn't consciously set out to find meditation, or calm down in the river.  However, I had to face the feelings I was having, and the best way to do so was by being there, enjoying a sunrise and listening to the water. 

I wonder if this effect is similar to "tree bathing" I know that I benefited from this, and so did my significant other.  We calmed down, because beauty and nature doesn't allow for you to be angry.  Well, maybe it does, but it calmed us down.  I know that the issues we were dealing with were serious and pretty crappy, but in the face of all that beauty, they faded in importance.  We gained perspective, and were able to have a better conversation and make progress.

Anyhow, here's wishing y'all a great monday,


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