Saturday, December 26, 2020

On fishing and the cold

 Good morning all,

I'm up at stupid o'clock again, dreaming of fishing.  4 am seems to be the witching hour for me - where I wake up and think about what kind of fishing is possible for that day.  The ice hasn't settled on the lakes and ponds up here yet, but it is way too cold for kayak fishing.  I could still wade the Farmington, potentially, with neoprene everything and some chutzpah.  It's windy and the google home told me it feels like 20 degrees with the wind chill, which also tells me my fly rod will be nigh unto useless.  So spin it is, maybe a big mouse with a bobber.  

It's also flood stage in all the rivers flowing into the Farmington, though because of the dam(s) at hog's back and Colebrook river lake, I think the Farmington is still within its banks.  Does anyone have any experience fishing flood waters?  If so, please comment what I should try.  Maybe some neon colored egg sacs and some mouse patterns (I imagine these are frequent in a flood river, as the mice get washed from their burrows).  I have a spot where the two rivers come together that I want to try, one flooded and one not, so fish can choose their temperature/thermocline and their food supply that is washing in.  I'll add pictures of the fish to the post, if I catch any, and pictures of the wildlife even if I don't.

At any rate, happy fishing, tight lines and I hope you all have a great day!


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