Monday, April 6, 2020

Sentimental attachment to a fishing rod

Hi all,

Yesterday someone stole my favorite spin fishing rod.  It was always my dad's second favorite, and became my favorite when he passed it to me.  It was straight, flexible, and the tip was just sensitive enough to feel any hit.  I've caught trout on it that would have won the Riverton Derby if I caught them in the Farmington.  I thought it would be safe at the Colebrook River Lake in the back of my truck, with a few trucks of fellow fishermen and walkers. 

It was an antique (I think) of unknown origin, so I can't even replace it.  It's the brown and white one in the picture below, with steel ferrules and two metal cylinders to hold the reel to the cork handle.  I always wanted to have that part replaced so the reel couldn't come off so easily.  I'm irrationally attached to the rod.  It's not better than a new one in any way that I can think of, but it's gone with my father and I to countless opening days, and caught even more trout.  Those memories seem imbued in the cork of the handle, the frozen fingers trying to clamp the two reel holder cylinders together.  I've cared for it for at least 10 years now, making sure never to shut it in a car door or leave it bent for storage. 

Anyway, if anyone knows more about the rod or how I can try to replace it, please leave a comment.  I'd like the same rod blank to start building new memories with.

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