Tuesday, April 7, 2020

4/7 Spin fishing

I think I'm growing as a fisherman.  I used to only use Phoebes, and usually on opening day, unless I was fly fishing with a friend or in Maine or NH fly fishing.  I am trying to impress my daughter, I think - she gets such joy from catching a fish or netting one, so I am trying harder for her sake.  I switched from a Phoebe to a Mepps spinner (like a rooster tail but with no hair and a pink butt) and caught a beautiful 14" brown this morning.  I love sharing this with my daughter and watching how excited she gets to go fishing or see nature for the first time.  It's made me read about effective fishing, dig worms, investigate powerbait, and tie flies in the first time in a long time.

Maybe this is what parenthood is supposed to be - rediscovering things that we love through the eyes of a child and falling in love with them all over again.  I am really enjoying it and I hope I keep getting to do it.  I remember how excited I used to get on opening day when my dad and I would go, and I suppose I know now that that energy was contagious for my dad.

Hope you all have a good day, and happy fishing!


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