Friday, February 19, 2021

School of wet rocks (prerequisite)

 Hi all,

I received some really good feedback on my "School of wet rocks" post.  I made an assumption that most young people are as experienced with fishing as I was at that age.  I think many of the students might do best with a type of fish and type of fishing where they will have immediate success (like poppers or top water stuff for bluegills or sunfish).  As I look back, that is where I started - as a kid, where I could see all the bluegill nests and cast to them, with jigs and then later with a fly rod and poppers or top water things.  So, here's the prerequisite to the previous post:

a) Fly casting in the field.  Demonstrate until each student can cast at least 20 feet in front of them and leave the line straight out in front of them.  I have 5 setups, may need a few more cheap rigs depending on how many students enroll.

b) Find a pond with some places to backcast (maybe dock) and take them fishing.  Bring worms and some spin gear and bobbers etc. in case the fly stuff isn't immediately successful.  Make sure they catch stuff so they get "hooked."

c) Lunch

d) Then some more casting lessons, and see if there's an afternoon hatch on the river.  If not, back to the bluegills we go.

Eventually, transition to trout and the river.

Have a great day,


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